Murilo Camargos


Process Engineer at Usiminas






My profile is a mixture regarding software/data engineering and data science/analytics. I’m a Data Engineer with a strong scientific background and a Data Scientist able to take ownership of the whole data pipeline required to deploy a model into production.

I hold a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais were I worked mainly on machine learning topics applied to dynamical systems fault diagnosis and prognostics. I’m particularly interested in statistical and AI models that can extract knowledge from time-series recursively in a continuous learning scheme.

I also worked as a software/data engineer building RESTFull APIs for companies in the Silicon Valley and creating real-time distributed data pipelines to feed artificial intelligence algorithms. I’m very interested in ETL processes; I’ve worked with data acquisition using crawlers, APIs and browser automation and with information extraction from different file types.

If you’re looking for a team player who can work cross functionally among engineering, data science and business teams, my profile might be a good fit. Feel free to contact me!

Carrer summary


Unigal (Usiminas) Minas Gerais, BR
Data Engineer (Production Engineer) Apr 2021 - Current

Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EMAp) Rio de Janeiro, BR
Data Engineer/Data Analyst (Postdoctoral Fellow) Jan 2021 - Apr 2021

Fundação Christiano Ottoni Minas Gerais, BR
Data Engineer/Data Scientist (Graduate Researcher) Aug 2018 - Dec 2020

Cheesecake Labs Santa Catarina, BR
Software Engineer Jan 2018 - Nov 2018


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Minas Gerais, BR
PhD in Electrical Engineering Aug 2018 - Dec 2020
Thesis: New Data-Driven Methodologies For Fault Prognostics Using Evolving Fuzzy Models
Supervisor: Prof. Reinaldo Martinez Palhares

Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros Minas Gerais, BR
B.Sc. in Systems Engineering Aug 2012 - Aug 2018
Project: New approaches for abrupt and incipient fault detection in dynamic systems
Supervisor: Prof. Marcos Flávio Silveira Vasconcelos D’Angelo

Honors and Awards

Volunteer Work